2nd hour
2/10/2013 11:07:55 pm

Reply here watermelon heads

Lillian Jacks
2/10/2013 11:11:16 pm

the moon phases consist of the sun light reflecting off the moon when we see the moon.

luke kinkade
2/10/2013 11:44:20 pm

By rotating the earth. the suns rays hit the moon

Samantha Peebles
2/10/2013 11:13:05 pm

I think that moon phases are caused by the rotating by Earth and the moon.
Will the moon separate from the Earths orbit someday?
I think i would need to know this if i was learning about the universe or just wanted to know.

natalie barker
2/10/2013 11:13:56 pm

I think the moon phases are cuased becuase the Earth and moon both rotate.
I would like to know why the Earth has to rotate? I would like to know this so i could do better on test.

Lacey Lee
2/10/2013 11:17:23 pm

the sun and the earth rotating.

Kristen Brawley(:
2/10/2013 11:17:46 pm

I don't really know what causes the phases of the moon, but I'm going to give my best guess. I think that the way the sun reflects on the moon and how it is facing the earth.
The questionsI have about what causes the phases of the moon is what else could cause the phases?
Why I need to know this is because if I need to explain something to someone, then I can.

($Christian Dinwiddie$)
2/10/2013 11:18:00 pm

The reason the moon has phases is because the sun's rays bounce off the moon and shows on the earth, and the way the moon is tilted makes the different phases. What I don't know is how the blue moon works. This help me study in high school if I need to.

Christian Stansberry AKA Baptsit
2/10/2013 11:22:34 pm

The causes of the moons phases is how much light it gets from the sun and the postition of the moon.

2/10/2013 11:18:41 pm

what causes the moon to have phases?Well the planets go around the moon alot of times so the moon probely gets older and that might cause it to have phases.

*Alizabeth Donaldson*
2/10/2013 11:19:04 pm

I don't know much about the moon phases but I do know that the sun reflects on the moon which gives us phases of the moon.
My question is how does the light reflect from the sun to the moon.
I might need to know this if I learn about this in future science classes.

Maddie Archer(:
2/10/2013 11:20:26 pm

I don't know much about why the moon has phases, but I think that it has something to do with the orbit of the moon and how the sun shines on the surface of the moon.
I want to know what really causes the phases and if it has anything to do with the way the earth orbits.
This information will help us in the future if we become a science teacher, or need to know information about this for future science classes.

Haley Alegria & Tessa Vaughn !!!!!
2/10/2013 11:21:12 pm

Have you have wondered what cause the moon phases well I am about to tell you. So the moon rotates around the earth and the earth rotates around the sun and as the moon and earth rotate the sun only shines on certain parts of the moon and certain times a years none of the moon shows.
does the moons rotation affect the temperature of the earth?
this will help me in the future by giving us information if the moons orbit gets messed up.

sarah K
2/10/2013 11:22:21 pm

Only one thing causes the diffrent moon phases.. When the Earth is in between the moon and the sun it makes the diffrent moon phases. When Earth isn't in between the moon and the sun it maks a full moon.

PrOmIsE BrOoKe ArNoLd
2/10/2013 11:23:47 pm

The moons orbit. i think that what causes the moons phases.

this info can help me by if i have kids who learn about this when they are in 7th grade.

Emily R. Calton
2/10/2013 11:24:20 pm

The reason the moon has phases is becauseof the Earths shadow. The Earths shadow covers part of the moon which makes the moon look smaller or bigger.
I want to know why the moon phases are named the way they are?
The reason I want to know this is because it confuses me why the moon phases are named the way they are.

2/10/2013 11:31:45 pm

i dont know alot about the moon phases but i do know that its caused by something with the moon. i want to know more about the phases cause it could help me in science. i could also use it later in life maybe

Aaron Lund
2/10/2013 11:33:25 pm

Hi !!!!!! When the moon moves around the earth it causes the moon phases. It moves around and it makes the moon different shapes and sizes .

kain mcdonald
2/10/2013 11:40:15 pm

the reson the moon has faces is becoes the earth blocks some of the lighit and it moves so it mackes fazes and that is why the moon has fazes

brenna marmolejo
2/10/2013 11:43:22 pm

the reasin we have fazes is becoes the moon goes arond earth and win the earth is in the way it blocks some of the sun win it isit it is full moon that is why we have fazes

Austin Harris
2/10/2013 11:45:40 pm

The sun refects off the moon giving off light from the sun, but some time the earth block the light when the moon is spening so we get the different phase's of the moon.

Tanner Bowman
2/13/2013 11:32:23 pm

did you know that only one thing causes different moon phases. When the earth is betweenand the sun it makes different moon phases

Emily Livingston
2/24/2013 02:03:41 am

the moon how it moves causeds the the phases and this would help me with my job and collage.Does the moon phases effect the earth?

2/10/2013 11:11:08 pm

:1 what i know is the light reflects of the light on the surface of the moon as observers on earth
2:what i want to know is how does the light reflect?
3:this will help me in the future wene i need the info in a science class!

3rd hour
2/10/2013 11:12:49 pm

Reply here bottom of your shoe lickers

Lane Doing#1
2/10/2013 11:59:32 pm

The moon phases accure so that we can have our seasons. A couple of them are summer, fall, spring,and winter.

Carolyn Alexander :)
2/11/2013 12:18:53 am

What causes the phases of the moon: The phases of the moon change as the moon orbits the Earth. The changing, relative positions of the sun, moon and earth give us the different phases of the moon.

Janessa Jensen
2/11/2013 12:01:45 am

It depends on the positions of the earth moon and sun to show the phases of the moon. if part of the moon is in the light of the sun thats the part of the moon that shows on the earth.

Cooper 21 Keesling
2/11/2013 12:08:04 am

Moon phases come from the moon rotating and spining on its axis. I wonder how fast the moon moves or rotates. We need sleep and without the the moon we can't sleep.

Tony Difonzo
2/11/2013 12:02:13 am

The moons phases occur because of the light reflecting off of the moon and the postition of earth.

Riley Cathey
2/11/2013 12:02:56 am

1) The moon rotates completely around Earth after about a month to which the sun shines on the moon when it is in front of the Earth and when it begins to go back behind the Earth, it blocks out the sun from shining on the moon.
2) I want to know the exact spot the moon is at in front of the Earth, and how many times a solar eclipse occurs.
3) This could help in the future if I become a stargazer.

Cody Delcour #32
2/11/2013 12:03:25 am

One thing is the rotation. As it rotates the sun hits it at different angles causing the moon to be light on different sides.

Kayla McNellis:)
2/11/2013 12:03:37 am

As the earth rotates the moon changes phases. As the phases happen we have a new season.

Tilyer Nelson
2/11/2013 12:04:40 am

the earth goes around the sun in 365 earth days. the moon goes around the earth in 12 earth hours. and as the earth goes around the sun and the moon goes around the earth the sun reflects off of the moon which causes shadows on the earth.that is what i alredy know. what i want to know is how much gravitational pull there is between the sun and the earth and the moon.

2/11/2013 12:06:44 am

The moons phases occures as the moon orbits the earth, one side of the moon is lit by the sun's light and the other side is shadowed...Sooo depending on the suns and the moons position depends on what we see from earth.

2/11/2013 12:06:53 am

the moon phases arethe posistions of the moon facing the sun and the earth. some of the moon phases are,Full Moon, New Moon, Half Moon, and Quarter Moon.

Kasen Dame
2/11/2013 12:07:22 am

Moon phases work by how light reflects on them. It has to dod with the postition of the moon, sun, and the earth.

What i want to know is how the sun moon and earth move. Also how the sun makes diffrent shapes out of its reflection on the moon.

It would help me to know this in my science classes or just in my classes at school or college.

Cole Howerton
2/11/2013 12:07:36 am

The moon reflects sunlight, which causes the moon cycle. The way the moon is in relation to the sun affects what part of the moon cycle we see. (Ex: When the moon seems to be in front of the sun, it cannot recieve sunlight on the end we can see, causing the new moon.)

2/11/2013 12:08:38 am

The moon phases happen because the moon orbites the earth and the sun shines on different parts of the moon so some of the moon is lite but some isn't.

2/11/2013 12:09:25 am

the moon phases are the posistions of the moon facing the sun and the earth. some of the moon phases are,Full moon, New moon, Half moon, and Quarter moon.

Hunter Wissbaum and Gunnar Berger
2/11/2013 12:10:38 am

1. We know that the moon has phases and they have them because the sun.
2. What I want to know is how the moon is gray.
3.I wnat to know why this is because it will help me be a better scienctist.

Angel Salcido
2/11/2013 12:11:41 am

I think that the things that cause the moon to change is the posistion of the moon and the Earth and the sun. But that aint the only thing that happens when the posistions of the macth up. Some times there is solar elcispes that happen. There is two different kinds a luner eclipse and a solar eclispe.

2/11/2013 12:14:17 am

The positions of the earth moon and sun cause the phase of the moon. When the earth is closer to the sun than the moon than the phase is a full moon that's why the position of the earth moon and sun are what cause the phases of the moon.

lexi prock
2/11/2013 12:14:30 am

the moon rotates around the earth completely. and the sun shines on the moon.and the phases come from the spinnig axis

Olivia Dill
2/11/2013 12:17:57 am

The Moon travels around the earth once every 29 days. When it does a shadow is passed on the earth by the sun. While some parts of the sun are shadowed others are illuminated. This is what causes the phases of the moon. That is how the first quarter moon, cresent moon, and other phases of the room are formed.

Ethan/sniperr saam/Young
2/11/2013 12:19:27 am

the moon rotates around the earth and as it rotates the earth spins and creates the phases of the moon and the moon also causes the high tides and low tides in the ocean and lakes

2/11/2013 12:31:01 am

As the moon orbits the Earth, one side of it is in the sun's light and the other is in a shadow. Now, at any time, we can only see half of the moon's surface, the side facing us. So as the moon orbits the Earth, the side facing the Earth is illuminated by varying amounts in the sun light. So when we look at the moon, we see half of it in sunlight, and half of it in shadow.
I wonder who came up with the moon phases and did someone help him?

Riley Earls
2/16/2013 11:59:12 am

The cause of the moon phases is the position of the sun, earth, and moon. When the moon is in different alignments with the sun and earth the moon looks different in each phase.

Caleb Little#12
2/17/2013 02:33:10 am

the sun and the earth moving

6th Hour
2/10/2013 11:14:07 pm

Reply here Nacho breath

Jacob Lowery
2/11/2013 03:25:57 am

The moon's phases occur when the Earth and Moon revolve around the sun. The sun casting shadows on the moon causes these phases

Kyler Lindsay
2/11/2013 03:27:11 am

I'm not positive what causes moon phases but I think that the way the Earth tilts.

Samantha Gieniec
2/11/2013 03:27:22 am

the moon turns in front of the sun at different angles to make different phases moon the moon

2/11/2013 03:27:46 am

The moon phases when the earth rotates around the sun and the moon rotates around the earth while the earth orbits the sun.

Katey Legan
2/11/2013 03:28:15 am

I'm not a hundred percent sure what cause the moon faces but I'm going to give my best guuess. Im thinking that the moon phases are caused by the way the sun reflects on it. I would like to know who figured out why the phases are their. I think it would be good to know this so we would have a better understanding.

Briley Shockley
2/11/2013 03:29:03 am

the moon orbits earth and earth orbits the sun so as they both are in rotation earths shadow is cast on the moon in different places

riley ward
2/11/2013 03:29:55 am

the earths rotion is the cause for the moons phases

Briley Shockley
2/11/2013 03:30:12 am

the moon orbits earth and earth orbits the sun so as they both are in rotation earths shadow is cast on the moon in different places.

katie clarke
2/11/2013 03:31:55 am

1. When earth goes around it cause moon phases because on one side it's dark and the other is light.
2. I want to know what would happen if the earth had no phases.
3. I want to know so i can tell the world what could happen if the earth had no phases.

2/11/2013 03:32:31 am

im gonna tell u why there are moon phases. when the moon orbits around the sun different angles of light hit the moons surface. I wonder who named moon phases, and why it is so important to know them.

2/11/2013 03:35:51 am


lance malonson
2/11/2013 03:40:27 am

1. We know that the moon has phases and they have them because the sun.
2. What I want to know is how the moon is gray.
3.I wnat to know why this is because it will help me be a better scienctist

Jacob Perryman
2/11/2013 03:40:37 am

The moon reflects sunlight, which causes the moon cycle

tanner pippins
2/11/2013 03:42:26 am

1)the moon phases are caused by the way light reflects of the moon.
2)i would like to know how the moon was made
3)it helps us understand the moon phases

006. James bond's brother. (Austin Faust
2/11/2013 03:46:51 am

what causes the phases of the moon.
I want to know if other moons have phases similar to our moons phases.
The moon isnt white. Its grey. Its bright white because it reflects light from the sun. Because the moon rotates, it recieves varying amounts of light.

Matthew Berry
2/13/2013 12:02:36 am

The moon phases are caused by the sun's refection on the moon.

Tanner Bowman
2/10/2013 11:35:45 pm

When Earth is in between the moon and the sun it makes different moon phases.when the moon and the sun moves around it makes a full moon

2/11/2013 03:34:40 am

the moon and earth rotates

2/11/2013 03:35:05 am

The Earth is tilted a pacific way making sesons.Thing that makes the phsases is the way the moon and the sun rotate

anthony hetherington
2/11/2013 03:35:37 am

They happen when the earth shifts and we see the moon at diffrent times of the day.

Emmi Bailey
2/11/2013 03:41:20 am

This is how the moon phases are caused. They are caused by the rotation and revelotion of the Earth.When the Earth rotatates we see different sides of the moon. This is caused by the sun's light reflecting off the moon. I really don't know what revelotion is our how it works, but I know it as something to do with the moon phases.
Thank you for reading my journal!

2/11/2013 03:52:04 am

the sun rotates and the moon rotates around the earth

2/16/2013 12:30:22 am

The is Earth tilted a paific way making the sesons.The way the sun,earth,and moon rotates make the phsases of the moon.Earth cathchs the reflexion of the moon.


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