2nd hour
2/18/2013 11:18:29 pm

Reply here John Cena fan

Luke Kinkade
2/18/2013 11:31:37 pm

Robovive is an interactive robot that is very help full. It has been used in the past to help the elderly grocery shop. Now he is being used to act as a student in a fifth grade class. One student even said " He is smarter than me". He is there to see if a robot can aquire skills and learn.

Natalie Barker
2/18/2013 11:32:31 pm

Ahhhhhhhhhh! It’s Raining Spiders in Brazil
BY: Meera Dolasia
This article is about Spiders in Brazil. Some advice for people who are scared of spiders should not visit the Santo Antonia da Platina in Brazil.” And if you do, steer clear of telephone wires or you may witness what 20-year old web designer Eric Reis did when he left a friend's house on Sunday February 10th - Thousands of the creepy arachnids precariously dangling off the wires”.
At first it appeared that they were going to fall from the sky. It is pretty common for most spiders to hunt together. The only mystery their trying to solve is what kind of spiders they are.” According to arachnologist George Uetz, the spiders do not appear to be living in one giant web but are spread out among a network of individual orb webs across the wires which is why they appeared to be 'raining'. And given that the the P. bistriata are prevalant in the South American Savannas, makes it even more likely”.
Their is really only one way to find out the type of spider and that is by getting close to the spider.

Christian DInwiddie
2/18/2013 11:32:45 pm

On February 15th a meteor explosion in Russia and it also was the closest encounter with an asteroid. The meteor was about the force of 20 atomic bombs which damaged over 3000 buildings. It caused 1,000 injuries. It also left a 26-foot crater in the ice. It was about the size of a bus and weighed between 7,000 and 10,000 tons. It entered the atmosphere at 33,000 to 40,000 mph. It exploded 12-15 miles high. It was said that "What was a little strange about this meteor explosion was that it occurred a few hours prior to the flyby of the 150-foot DA14 asteroid that zipped within 17,200 miles of Earth."

kali brown
2/18/2013 11:43:47 pm

Ex-paratrooper shares special bond with wolves
By Meera Dolasia on feb 11,2013

This article is about a patriot who has a special bond with one of the most dangours dogs in the world and that is wolves. has been tending and caring for these wolves in his big 25 acre Wolfe spark located in Germany .Werner has wolves from all over the world like Siberia to artic ,Canadian ,European,and even Mongolian.

kale durr
2/18/2013 11:45:26 pm

Santo Antonio da Platina in brazil is not a place to be if you hate spiders.An early report suggested the swarming spiders were Anelosimus eximius. these type of spiders live together as adults. thes spiders were hanging from light poles in groups of what seemed to be a thousand. this article was made by Meera Dolasia

Aaron Lund
2/18/2013 11:46:22 pm

My article is OMG – The New Kid in Class Is A . . . Robot!

There is a new kid in class at Japan’s Higashihikari elementary and he is a robot.
I think it be cool to have a robot in our school he knew all 119 kids names the first day .
I wish I could do that. His name is Robovie he is programmed so that his communication is a five year olds.
He can also shop and do other things. He impresses the class by answering questions correctly. He is really smart because he is a robot but any robot would be . I think it would be cool to have robot as a friend . He is preprogrammed with pictures of the teachers and all 119 students and the fifth grade science text book.

Samanth Peebles
2/18/2013 11:48:34 pm

I am writing about OMG-The New Kid in Class Is A…Robot! This is by Meera Dolasia on February 13 2013. I wanted to write about this section because it’s interesting to learn about the new and improved things scientists have come up with.
On February 5th, 2013, fifth grade students at Japan’s Higashihikari Elementary School welcomed a new student. However, this student was very different from other new students, he was not shy and seemed to instantly recognize all 119 kids by their names. Are you impressed yet? You will be even more impressed, when you find out that Robovie is not human but a robot, masquerading as a fifth-grade student!
Robovie was developed by Japan’s Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, the 1.2 meter tall student is part of a 14-month experiment to test if robots can gradually learn to interact naturally and assimilate with a group of people. The company has conducted many experiments in various settings, this is the longest duration by far, and it is all part of their bigger vision of making robots household fixtures. Previous attempts at which, have been quite unsuccessful.
This time around they decided to pick a school because it allows the bot to gather and hopefully incorporate copious amounts of data from the active and curious kids around him. Though Robovie’s amazing memory may have impressed you, he does have an unfair advantage. His daily conversation level has been restricted to that of a five-year-old in hope that he will develop his vocabulary by interacting with the fifth graders, he was preprogrammed with the facial photos and voiceprints of all 119 fifth graders and teachers, as well as, the contents of the entire fifth grade science text book. In the past he has been assigned too many tasks including helping the elderly shop for groceries.

promise brooke arnold
2/18/2013 11:49:00 pm

Ahhhh! Its raining spiders in Brazil

In the town of Santo Antonio da Platina in Brazil, a man by the name of Eric Reis left a friends house on Sunday febuary 10th there was thousands of creepy crawly arachnids dangling off telephone wires. As it looked as if it was going to rain, it wasn’t.it was a bunch of creepy crawly spiders that travel in hunders of even thousands, which is pretty common some acahnid experts. But an early report suggested the swarming spiders were Anelosimus eximius, which is a social species of spiders that weave communal webs, live together as adults, and even share childcare duties. Some expert belive that these are to be the A. eximius. “According to arachnologist George Uetz, the spiders do not appear to be living in one giant web but are spread out among a network of individual orb webs across the wires which is why they appeared to be 'raining'.”” Then early in the mornings, they converge upon a selected spot where they first weave a huge communal web. Once that is done, they start to build individual webs on this base, inside which they sit and lure their prey - Who knew that spiders were this smart!”

mariah beitler
2/18/2013 11:50:14 pm

For Mzee And Owen It’s Valentine’s Day Everyday!
Shortly after a big Tsunami hit the coast of Indonesia, the repercussions of which ,were felt all the way to Africa’s East Coast. They were the only ones to survivor. A one-year-old baby hippo that managed to grab on to a reef and a baby turtle. Since then the to babies have been friends since then. By Meera Dolasia on February 14,2013!!!!!!!!!


Kristen Brawley
2/18/2013 11:50:42 pm

The article I chose is called, ‘With Meteor Explosions and Asteroid Flybys, The Skies Were Busy Last Friday.’ By: Meera Dolasia. This article is about how on Friday February 15th was a busy day for our space debris.
There was a meteor that hit Russia and its force estimated to be the force of 20 atomic bombs going off. This meteor hurt some people, but not badly just some minor cuts from like glass flying. It also damaged over 3,000 buildings. There were over 1,000 injuries. Scientists said that it was approximately the size of a bus. It probably weighed between 7,000 to 10,000 tons.
Then the next big thing that happened a few hours later after the meteor was an asteroid. It zipped within 17,200 miles of Earth. Then it may look like these two events had something to do with each other, but they didn’t. It was just a happenstance.
Why I chose this article because it seemed interesting. I also chose this because I’m interested in space activities. Why I would need to know this is because I could tell others about this event.

Austin Harris
2/20/2013 09:16:02 am

I choose to do my article review on - OMG - The New Kid in Class is A . . . Robot! By Meera Dolasia
Could you wrap your brain around having a robot in your classroom and having him as a friend. This is what has happened in a fifth grade classroom in Japan's elementary school. The robot knew all 119 kids by their names.
The robot is part of a 14 month experiment, where they see if it can interact naturally and assimilate with a group of students and teachers. The company has conducted several experiments in different settings but they have not been successful. By putting the robot in a school it will allow the bot to gather copious amounts of data from curious kids around it.
The robot did know all the kids names, but he was programmed with photos and voiceprints of all the students and teachers. Also, it was able to answer correctly a science question about a copper coil. The robot again had been programmed with the entire 5th grade science book. The robot is also doing ok on the social front.
Could you just see having a robot in our class and having it do our work for us.

Alizabeth Donaldson
2/20/2013 10:02:04 am

Ahhhh! It’s Raining Spiders In Brazil
I you are scared of spiders don’t go to Brazil. Whatever you do don’t go by power lines, because the 20-year old spiders dangling room the wires. The spiders look like rain. There is so many that if a person sees this it would send shivers down your spine. No one even knows what kind o spiders these are.

An arachnologist said that the spiders are not all in one big web, they are in individual orb webs across the webs. When they build individual webs they sit and lure their prey. There is really no way to figure out what kind of species this is.

Emily Livingston
2/24/2013 02:22:55 am

My article is about For Mzee And Owen It's Valentine's Day Everyday!By Meera Dolasia on February 14, 2013!the story is abot how a tortoise and a hippo how they lived togethere because the tortoise old mate died and the zoo couldnt buy a new tortoise because the tortoise is so old and the hippo would be better for the tortoise.the hippo came to the zoo because a Tsunami hit and washed away its family and they decieded to bring it to the zoo so the tortoise wouldnt be lonely and the hippo loves the tortise.the hippo had to leave to go to a nother part of the zoo because to live with others hippos and the tortoise wouldnt mind.the Hippo still love the tortoise and it didn't rewined therer friendship!!!!!

Sarah Kavanaugh
2/18/2013 11:36:32 pm

I am doing my article review on the article 'Ahhh! Is's Raining Spiders In Brazil' By Meera Dolasia on February 16, 2013. In the town of Santo Antonio da Platina in Brazil the power lines are covered in spiders. People aren't really sure what kind of spider they are. They think the spiders are eximius or Parawixia bistriata.

3rd Hour
2/19/2013 12:04:58 am

Reply here rock biter

Chris #23
2/19/2013 12:16:58 am

I thought the asteroid one was cool!!! Berfore today I didn't know what an asteroid looked like. Here is some facts about it.
It hit a meteor hit Russia on Friday. It also was marked down as one of the bussiest celestial nights. How about that.
Also the asteroid that got close to earth is the closest one has been to us. Ever!!!! They are really pretty too.
Thi is why I liked this article. It was enteresting. It also had really cool and enteresting pictures to go with it.

Chris #23
2/19/2013 12:31:10 am

Plus What are people that study meteors that hit earth in stead of being in space? Are they still astromors? Also do meteors and asteroids get names like some comets? I'd like to know because I like to know about cool things like this . It enterests me!

Caleb Little
2/19/2013 12:21:45 am

OMG - The New Kid In Class Is A . . . Robot!

On February 5th, 2013, the fifth grade students at Japan's Higashihikari Elementary School welcomed a new student. However, unlike other newcomers, he was not shy and seemed to instantly recognize all 119 kids by their names. Impressed? You will be even more so, when you find out that Robovie is not human but a robot, masquerading as a fifth-grade student

Developed by Japan's Advanced Telecommunications Research Institute International, the 1.2 meter (3.9 feet) tall student is part of a 14-month experiment to test if robots can gradually learn to interact naturally and assimilate with a group of people

While the company has previously conducted several experiments in various settings, this is the longest duration by far, and is all part of their bigger vision of making robots household fixtures, previous attempts at which, have been quite unsuccessful. This time around they decided to pick a school because it allows the bot to gather and hopefully incorporate copious amounts of data from the active and curious kids around him.

While still early, Robovie is doing quite well on the social front too - Not only did he acknowledge all the students in his grade but after class, also shook hands with the sixth graders and was even polite enough to answer all their questions, just like any other new student would do. But then, this is not the first time Robovie (or another version of him) has been around humans. In the past he has been assigned to many tasks including helping the elderly shop for groceries

cody d
2/19/2013 12:22:52 am

Wave Skiing Anyone?
By Meera Dolasia
This article was about a guy that liked to snow ski. When the snow would melt though he couldn’t ski any more. Or could he? He had a love for skiing so he tried to ski on water one. Once he went two hundred yards he gave up.
Then two men tried it and had a man make special skies for them to use. The skies worked, so Chuck bought a pair and uses them. So now when the snow melts he goes to the water and skies.
I picked this paragraph because it looked cool. I learned when something happens try something new. This would help people with things in their life.

Selmer estenson
2/19/2013 12:22:57 am

i wrote about the astroids. one landed in russia and made a 26 foot crater in nearby ice. it exploded with the force of 20 atomic bombs. it shattered the glass in all the buildings in the nearby town.
another astroid went by earth missing at only 23 thousand miles. that may seem like alot but the moon is 136000 miles above earth. the astroid even flww lower than earths sattelites
this was known as the most busyist astronomical day earth has seen in along time

Riley Cathey
2/19/2013 12:25:40 am

My article is by Meera Dolasia and is about the es-paratrooper bonding with wolves. In this article I read how he has a 25-acre place where he cares for wolves in Germany. Somehow he has had a special bond with wolves since 1972. In his Wolvespark he cares for many different kinds of wolves.
Werner Freund is 79 years old and has cared for all kinds of wolves in his sanctuary. When it is feeding time he howls for the wolves. When they come, Werner always gets to bite into a raw hunk of meat first. This is like hierarchy, which is when the leader of the pack gets the first bite. The wolves are even calm around him and treat him as their own, as if he really were the leader of the pack.
Werner is currently housing a pack of 29 wolves in his place. Over the years he has hand-reared 70 wolves,all a mixture of different breeds. He has to take care of them every day and is treated a member of the pack also.
I chose this aricle because wolves are my favorite animal, and I like learning about them. I want to know how he got started in this sort of thing, and how he was shown to do all these things. This could help me in the future if I study about wolves.

Kayla Mcnellis:)
2/19/2013 12:26:38 am

Ah It’s raining spiders in brazil.
In Santo Antonio da Platina which is in Brazil. There are millions of spiders there. And if you do, steer clear of telephone wires or you may witness what 20-year old web designer Eric Reis did when he left a friend's house on Sunday February 10th - Thousands of the creepy arachnids precariously dangling off the wires. Apparently, it is pretty common for social or colonial spiders to live in massive colonies and hunt together. The only mystery they are trying to solve, is what species of spiders these happened to be. An early report suggested the swarming spiders were Anelosimus eximius, a social species of spider that weave communal webs, live together as adults, and even share childcare duties. However, some experts believe that these are too big to be the A.eximius. They are leaning toward another social species - The Parawixia bistriata.
According to arachnologist George Uetz, the spiders do not appear to be living in one giant web but are spread out among a network of individual orb webs across the wires which is why they appeared to be 'raining'. And given that the the P. bistriata are prevalant in the South American Savannas, makes it even more likely. Another clue is the fact that they seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air - A trait common to this species which have a tendency to collect in a group, usually camouflaged inside trees at night, as if to discuss strategy. Then early in the mornings, they converge upon a selected spot where they first weave a huge communal web. Once that is done, they start to build individual webs on this base, inside which they sit and lure their prey - Who knew that spiders were this smart!

The only way to really determine which species of spider is crowding up the Brazilian skies is to get up close and personal with them - A task that is still up for grabs in case, you are interested. So if you are afraid of spiders you might not want to go there.

Janessa Jensen <3
2/19/2013 12:28:14 am

How would u like if there was all of the sudden strange spiders on a telephone pole in the front of your house. In brazil they found strange spiders on a telephone pole, they just appeared out of the blue. They also seemed to be raining out of the sky. Scientists say they seem to sharing the same web and sharing the same caracteristcts as in the same child like ways. Scientists still haven't figured out what kind of spiders these are though their greatest info is that thy seem like a tribe. Als they are coming with guesses of what exotic spiders thy might be.

Riley Cathey
2/19/2013 12:32:51 am

My article is by Meera Dolasia and is about the es-paratrooper bonding with wolves. In this article I read how he has a 25-acre place where he cares for wolves in Germany. Somehow he has had a special bond with wolves since 1972. In his Wolvespark he cares for many different kinds of wolves.
Werner Freund is 79 years old and has cared for all kinds of wolves in his sanctuary. When it is feeding time he howls for the wolves. When they come, Werner always gets to bite into a raw hunk of meat first. This is like hierarchy, which is when the leader of the pack gets the first bite. The wolves are even calm around him and treat him as their own, as if he really were the leader of the pack.
Werner is currently housing a pack of 29 wolves in his place. Over the years he has hand-reared 70 wolves,all a mixture of different breeds. He has to take care of them every day and is treated a member of the pack also.
I chose this aricle because wolves are my favorite animal, and I like learning about them. I want to know how he got started in this sort of thing, and how he was shown to do all these things. This could help me in the future if I study about wolves.

ethan young
2/19/2013 12:35:19 am

An early report suggested the swarming spiders were Anelosimus eximius, a social species of spider that weave communal webs, live together as adults, and even share childcare duties. However, some experts believe that these are too big to be the A.eximius. They are leaning toward another social species - The Parawixia bistriata.
According to arachnologist George Uetz, the spiders do not appear to be living in one giant web but are spread out among a network of individual orb webs across the wires which is why they appeared to be 'raining'. And given that the the P. bistriata are prevalant in the South American Savannas, makes it even more likely. Another clue is the fact that they seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air - A trait common to this species which have a tendency to collect in a group, usually camouflaged inside trees at night, as if to discuss strategy. Then early in the mornings, they converge upon a selected spot where they first weave a huge communal web. Once that is done, they start to build individual webs on this base, inside which they sit and lure their prey - Who knew that spiders were this smart!
“ This article was an interesting article and I normally hate spiders but I really liked this article. The people in Brazil have a lot of cleaning to do. The spiders looked like brown recluses and they will cause you to lose a limb because there is so much venom.”

Cole Howerton
2/19/2013 12:40:02 am

With Meteor Explosions And Asteroid Flybys, The Skies Were Busy Last Friday
By: Meera Dolasia

Friday, February 15, 2013 was an important day in the skies. A meteorite came the closests to Earth that any meteorite has been in a century.

The meteor exploded near Russia, causing exterior damage to many buildings. Many civilians were injured as well, but only from falling glass debris.

Much destruction could have been caused by this meteorite, but it exploded miles in the air. Despite that, a 26 foot wide hole was made in a nearby frozen lake from only a fragment of the meteorite.

I chose this article because I like major celestial events. I like them because they do not necessarily have to been seen from one place, but many.

Riley Earls
2/22/2013 01:17:54 pm

I have chosen to do my article review on “With Meteor Explosions And Asteroid Flybys, The Skies Were Busy Last Friday.” This article was written by Meera Dolasia. This article tells the events of Friday, February 15. Was it a coincidence or is our world changing?

On Friday, February 15 a meteor exploded in Russia! This unexpected meteor not only injured over 1,000 people but also damaged 3,000 thousand buildings! This meteor left a 26 ft carter in a nearby frozen lake in the town of Chelyabinsk. Scientists say the meteor was about the size of a school bus and weighed around 7,000 to 10,000 tons!

Wait! There was a close flyby of an asteroid that came within 17,200 miles of earth’s atmosphere! This asteroid, however was not a surprise to the world. The asteroid was said to be 150 feet long. It may seem a little weird that these space debris were so close together in timing but scientists say it was nothing but a coincidence!

I chose this article because I would like to go into space one day! Of course I just want to do it all! The information I learned in this article could help in the future with space training if I were to ever go into space. This article as it turned out was very interesting despite I had heard about it all day on February 15.

Olivia Dill
3/1/2013 12:34:03 am

Ahhhh! It's Raining Spiders in Brazil by Meera Dolasia on February 16, 2013

The town of Santo Antonio da Platina in Brazil had spiders hanging from telephone wires. Eric Reis witnessed them after leaving a friends house. The sighting happened on Febuary 10th on a Sunday. A question I have is how come it took so long for news to reach us.
Eric had first thought that the spiders were going to fall and land right on top of him. That would be scary enough for any person. The arachnid experts were not surprised by this unusual occurrence. They say that it is very common for colonial spiders to live in big colonies and hunt together. The thing that is puzzling the experts is the species of the spiders.

A report says that the mysterious spiders were Anelosimus eximius wich is a social species of spider that weave communal webs and live together as adults. But some believe the species is the Parawixia bistriata I think this is an awesome paragraph that tells a lot about spiders while keeping the readers entertained.

lexi prock
2/19/2013 12:34:12 am

Ex-Paratroopers shares special bond with wolves??? By Meera Dolasia.humans can bond with the most dangourus animals. why is that?well kevin Richardson treats lions like kitty cats. how is that possible?i would be afraid. what if somthing goes wrong and the animal gets mad.
why would you want to eat the same thing as a wolf?just because your an animal whisperer?I think thats a little gross.i think it would be really cool but in the end wolfs are just dogs.
well the wolfs are the biggest member in the dog family. but they raley attack humans but i wouldnt take my chances.supposvely there really nice but people think there mean just because if Little Red Riding Hood??

Hunter Wissbaum Gunnar Berger
2/19/2013 12:34:27 am

Are artical reveiw is about wolves and how they are so cute and cuddely but they are attached to a diffrent species. A man and a pack of wolves hanging out i thought he would e torn to parts but they like him. He is brave and crouges . I think he is crazy so dose my partner . In one of the pic he is kissing
one. He also feeds them lives with them and probley loves them. In me and hunters opponion he is a diffrent peson but it is very neat.

Carolyn Alexander
2/19/2013 12:36:01 am

My article is OMG- the new kind in class is a….robot!! By Meera Dolasia. On is first day he was not shy like most newcomers infact her memorized 119 kids by their name! The 1.2 meter (3.9 feet) tall student is part of a 14-month experiment to test if robots can gradually learn to interact naturally and assimilate with a group or people.

This robot is the longest duration by far and is all part of their bigger vision of making robots household fixtures. The robot gets to pick which school it wants to go to cause it allows it to gather and hopefully incorporate copious amounts of data. They hope that the 5th graders will pick up his volcabulary by talking to him.

He answered all their question just like any other student or teacher would do. This aint the first time Robovie or any other kind of robot has been around humans. In the past he helpd the elderly shop for groceries.

6th hour
2/19/2013 03:17:52 am

Reply here saurkraut breath

Jacob Perryman
2/19/2013 03:28:50 am

in his 25-acre Wolfspark located in the German province of Saarland, since 1972. While he currently has a pack of 29, over the years he has hand reared almost 70 wolves belonging to all breeds ranging from Siberian to Arctic, Canadian, European and even, Mongolian - All brought to his sanctuary by Humans have been known to develop strong bonds with the most dangerous of animals - Kevin Richardson treats lions like kitty cats, Andre Hartman has a special bond with Great White Sharks and now there is 79-year old Werner Freund who has spent the last 40 years of his life, in the company of wolves.
While details about how and why the former became attached to these beautiful wild animals he has been tending and caring for them animal parks and zoos from around the world.

2/19/2013 03:31:36 am

Hi-Tech Floor Transforms Multi-Sport Gyms Into Multi, Multi Sport Gyms!
People might not use their gym for many reasons. The school may use it for gym classes, basketball games, or volleyball. So why not make it be interesting by installing LED lights under your hardwood floor. It costs about $520 USD per square meter.

Other people might think of it as a nightclub at a game. The people who made this probably thought the game was boring and they wanted to make it interesting. Maybe the game needed to be changed.
There are different buttons and lights for every different sport. It might be cool to play on a gym like that for P.E. class. The floor is the same but with lights installed.
ASB Systembau thinks the floor will be used for many different things, maybe to nightclubs and the sport games. The hi-tech floors will make the game very interesting.

Agent 006 ( james bond's brother. austin faust)
2/19/2013 03:37:49 am

Now for the first idea. The first idea is to creep us out. This is because, well, `spiders creep us out. The second idea is to wow us. This is because freaking spiders everywhere, that’s amazing.
Now for the final and third idea. The third idea is to inform us. This is because it is quite common for Brazilian spiders to live in colonies.
Well that’s it, so thank you and good night. SPIDERS!a

Kyler Lindsay
2/19/2013 03:41:34 am

Werner Freund a 79 year old bonds with wolves!!! CRAZY!!!!!!
He has spent the last 40 years being friends with wolves. Ex paratrooper Freund has been caring for them in his 25-acre Wolfspark located in Germany since 1972.

Katey Legan
2/19/2013 03:43:04 am

Im doing my articlal review on the article “Ahhh! Its Raining Spiders In Brazil.” I decided to do it on this particular article because it seemed interesting. Honestly I chose this one because it was really short. I do think it is actually pretty interesting. In a weird way.
In San Antonio Da Platina in Brazil there are spiders that hang off of telephone poles and it looks like they are raining. So if you are scared of spiders do not visit this place in Brazil!
Scientist say that they are leaning towards the Paraxizia bistraita. These spiders hunt and live together. They look like they are raining from a building. Usually camofloug in trees. They have indevidiual webs in the inside and they sit and wait until they lur their prey in.
As you can see I chose this topic because it is interesting and short. And if you want to learn more about this topic then read it!

riley ward
2/19/2013 03:45:58 am

i am doing my aritcle review on the ex-paratrooper shares special bond with wolves.humans have come to like the most dangerous animals for pets.some peope just like to be around dangerous animals.and now a 79 year old man by the name of Werner Freund has spent the last 40 years of his life with wolves.he lives in germeny in his 25 acres were he keeps almost 70 wovles.

2/19/2013 03:48:09 am


Anabel A. Underwood
2/19/2013 03:49:48 am

Sup! . I’m doing another article by Meera Dolasia. She wrote about a man who shares a special bond with wolves.
For many years, humans have had special bonds with animals. Some animals are wild some house pets. But this man I’m about to write about chose the wild side. Werner Freund has spent the last 40 years of his life with wolves.
Mr. Freund is 79 years old! WOW! He used to be a paratrooper. A paratrooper is a member of a military unit trained to attack or land in combat areas by parachuting from airplanes. He has been caring for wolves in his 25-acre wolfs park in German province of Saarland, since 1972.
The wolves treat Mr. Freund as one of their own. What I think is cool about it is that when he is around, the wolves nuzzle and play with him.
Wolves may be the largest members of the dog family , but they rarely attack humans.

Matthew Berry
2/19/2013 05:03:42 am

My article review is on OMG - The New Kid In Class Is A . . . Robot!. The good thing about this is instead of learning from programs robots can learn what people really do in their lives.

tanner pippins
2/28/2013 10:33:47 pm

its raining spiders in brazil.if you are scared of spiders dont vist the town of santo antonio da platina in brazil.on the telephone wires you might see 20 year old spider webs.thousands of spiders dangling from the telephone wires.the spiders look like they were going to drop from the telephone wires.it is not uncomen for spiders to live in big groups and hunt together.the only qusten is ehat tip of spider this might be.swqarming spiter were thot to be eximius.so scientist thank they are to big to be eximius.theys spider dont appear to live in one giant web.there webs are spread along the net work.the spider seem to appeear out of thin air.they build one big web then thay build smaller web of the base.

2/19/2013 03:43:33 am

Raining spiders
An early report the swarming spiders,a social species of spiders that weeve webs
‘’An early report suggested the swarming spiders were Anelosimus eximius, a social species of spider thaccording to george the spiders do not appear to beat weave communal webs, live together as adults, and even shaccording to george the spiders do not appear to be living.

Briley Shockley
2/19/2013 03:45:48 am

Ahhhh! It's Raining Spiders In Brazil
By Meera Dolasia

If you are scared of spiders you probably shouldn't go to Santo Antonio da Platina, Brazil. If you do you might witness what Eric Reis did - thousands of spiders dangling off the telephone wires. At first glance the spiders appeared to be raining from the skies. It is common for social or colonial spiders to live in colonies and hunt together. The only mystery, what species of spiders they were.

A reporter suggested the spiders were Anelosimus eximius, a social spider that weave communal webs, live to gether as adults, and share childcare duties. Some experts thought the spiders were too large to be the A. eximius, and were leaning towards another social species named the Parawixia bistriata. According to anachnologist George Uetz, the spiders do not appear to living in one giant web, but in a spread out network of smaller indivisual webs. The P. bistriata are prevalent in the South American Savannas.

Another clue is the fact that they seemed to suddenly appear out of thin air - Common to this species which usually collect in a group, camouflaged in the trees. Then early in the mornings, they come to a selected spot where they weave a huge web. Once that is done, they start to build individual webs on this base, where they sit inside and lure their prey.

The only way to really figure out the species of the spider is to get all up close and personal with them.

jordan wilson
2/19/2013 03:48:27 am

I think that having robots in school is a bad idea it could go wild and hurt the kids in the school and he would be distraction to all the students if he was in conway mo 7 th grade all the geck kids or nerds would never leave him alone his bateries mite go dead. the text is 'While the company has previously conducted several experiments in various settings, this is the longest duration by far, and is all part of their bigger vision of making robots household fixtures, previous attempts at which, have been quite unsuccessful. This time around they decided to pick a school because it allows the bot to gather and hopefully incorporate copious amounts of data from the active and curious kids around him.' that is another thing he is an experment he needs to be tested by real adults not kids what will he do your home work why does a robot need to learn math and ss and english and SCIENCE or (P.E) THAT IS WHAT I THINK about the robot that went toi school the would make a good nuursre ryme the robot that went to school has ring to it

2/19/2013 03:52:17 am

This article is about how a fifth grade class in Japan’s Higashihikari elementary school got to welcome a new student but this is not the normal student this is a ROBOT!!! This robot is so smart that it can remember 119 kids names how cool is that. This guy was developed by Japans advanced telecommunications research institute international. The robot is only 3.9 feet tall this robot is part of a 14 month experiment to test to see if robots can correctly interact with people or a group of people. This company has done several experiments before. This is the longest experiment by far. This is all part of a plan to have robots In households. My opinion is that this is a really good idea but than you have to think about what if it shorts out or starts attaking people so this might not be such a good idea afeater all.

anthony hetherington
2/19/2013 03:54:08 am

I read omg the new kid in class is a robot,On February 5th, 2013, the fifth grade students at Higashihikari Elementary School welcomed a new student.Unlike other newcomers he was not shy .When you find out that Robovie is not human but a robot, acting like a fifth-grader.Developed by Japan's advanced research Institute International, the 3.9 feet tall student is an experiment to test if robots can learn to interact with a group of people.Every one treated the robot like it was a real student.Nobody was scared or frightened by the robot.I thank that every one was glad to beable to interact with a real robot.I personly think that it would be.

Emmi Bailey #12
2/24/2013 02:58:06 am

I am doing my article review on Mzee and Owen its Valentines Day everyday. Mzee a 130 year-old tortise and a one year old hippo are opposites that attract. This is the story of how a tortise and a hippo became friends. This all started in December 2004, after a Tsunami in Indonesia.

This Tsunamia caused a family of hippos to be washed offshore in to the ocean. The only survior was one year old Owen the hippo. This hippo was seen nans was brought back to health. "In honor of the volunteer heading up the rescue effort, the baby was taken to a nearby animal sanctuary." When Owen got three he hid behind 130 year old tortise called Mzee.

From then on they were best friends. Even though, Owen has moved to a bigger pond with other hippos, they are still friends.Thank you reading my article Review. BYE!!!!


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